Christina Kilby


Where do all the touches go
for safekeeping?

If I could collect them in a jar
Like a child’s treasure
I’d bury them in a secret place

And take you there one day
Lead you by the hand
To wrest our riches from the ground

You’d twist the lid and all at once feel

Liquid pearls of my son’s three-month skin

Matted muslin of my daughter’s wind-blown hair

Gritty grains of grass seed, sown without a plan

Nubby lace of little leaves, thyme creeping out of place

Stony rounds of breakfast plates

Slick-ribbed spines of story books

Doughy yield of pillows, as we tuck our darlings in
All these and more, I would keep safe for you
Please tell your hands
With all this washing
Not to forget
What they are meant to know

Christina won an out-of-county Honorable Mention. She is featured in our first official book publication, In the Quarantined Room: Reflections on the COVID-19 Experience in Indian River County, FL 2020. To find out more about the book and to purchase a copy, click here.

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