We have SEVEN groups and continue to get requests for more! Are you interested in joining a writing group? Please fill out the short form at the bottom of this page.

Night Writers

Created in 2023 to meet rising demand for space in our writing groups, Night Writers meets at the Writing Center on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 6-8pm (September-May). Members of this group range from novices to published authors and write in all categories of prose and poetry.

Pen Points

Pen Points Writers invites writers of all genres to share their work with a workshop focus on writings shared with the group. Questions and ideas on publishing and marketing issues are part of discussion, as needed. Pen Points meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month from 10-noon at the North County Library in Sebastian from October through May. June through September meetings take place on Zoom.

Poets Corner

Looking for a more intensive poetry workshopping group? Poet’s Corner is for you. Workshop times are in the early evening on the first and third Thursday of each month at the Writing Center.

Porch Poets and Pole Barn Poets

The Porch Poets comprised our very first writing group! A dedicated community of local poets, they originally gathered together on the porch of Laura’s house. A ‘sister group,’ the Pole Barn Poets was first created when Porch Poets got too large. As of Spring 2024, the two groups are small enough to meet jointly, although they may need to divide up again if they continue to grow. They meet on the second Saturday morning and fourth Thursday evening of every month at the Writing Center.

Tuesday Writers

Tuesday Writers is an adult writing group that meets every Tuesday from 1 pm – 3 pm. Our writers come prepared to workshop ongoing projects in order to gain valuable feedback on content, style, and mechanics. We welcome all skill levels, from novice beginners to published writers, as well as a variety of genres: poems, essays, memoirs, and creative nonfiction.

Write Life

Write Life meets the second and fourth Thursdays of each month from 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm via Zoom. This is a small group that invites novice and experienced writers alike to write, read, and critique shared memoir, journaling, blogs, newspaper/magazine submissions to further one another’s writing process.

So You Want to Join a Writing Group!

Welcome to the Laura (Riding) Jackson Foundation (LRJF), a leader in the literary arts in Vero Beach. We are trying to create spaces for writers of all ages and interests. Please complete this survey so we can try and match you to one of our existing groups. If there is no room in a current group, your participation in this survey will help us form new ones.

Please note: participation in our writing groups requires membership in LRJF (Currently $50 a year for individuals and $75 for households). Register for membership here.