The goal of our workshop is to generate as many poems as we can–poems which are fresh and malleable. We will then take comments, given to us by a group of our peers, and revise those poems until they are as confident and well-crafted as the writers who wrote them. Members of the workshop will also inherit poetic terminology, technique, and analytical approaches to better engage with your own, and others’ writing. As a contained and regular cohort, these sessions should result in deep consideration of one another’s work over time, and a combined effort to pick up on the strengths and tendencies of each member as we progress. As a result, we will help to find the potential in our poems and guide them to their most interesting and accomplished destinations. Finally, while not the main focus of our group, we will on occasion look at poems written by established poets to discuss forms, publication, craft. etc. 

Time & Place: Workshop time will be from 5 pm 7 pm at the Writing Center or at the Pole Barn when necessary on the third Monday of each month. A schedule will be sent out at the beginning of each month.

If you are interested in finding out more about this group, please call us at 772-569-6718 or email us at

Please note: participation in our writing groups, effective September 1, 2021, will require membership in LRJF (Currently $50 a year for individuals and $75 for households). Register for membership here.

Meet your facilitator:

James Dumais