This season we will be experimenting with a few new formats. Please note carefully below which events require pre-registration and which do not. Some of those that require registration will be free, while others require a fee. All details appear below each event.

NOTE: This is a two-part event. You are invited to join us for Part One, Part Two, or both.

During Part One, non-fiction author, blogger, former Navy SEAL, and piracy-expert, Benerson Little, will discuss his decades-long career studying and writing about piracy, both historical and modern.

Part Two of this event will mirror the traditional format of LRJF’s Adult Writing Workshops: participants will learn from Benerson Little how he combines blogging with his work on researching and writing his longer form published non-fiction works. Attendees will be given writing prompts related to both blogging and creative non-fiction, can share their work, and will be given feedback in this segment.

SCREENPLAYS: Adapting your writing for the screen

Saturday, March 22nd, 9:30am-12:30pm

Location: LRJF Writing Center, 1914 14th Avenue, Vero Beach

Registration: REQUIRED – a link to the registration form will appear here shortly.

Led by Xaque Gruber, participants will learn the fundamentals of screenwriting, with a particular focus on adapting your already-completed stories, essays, memoirs, etc. for the screen. This workshop is interactive and participants will write, share, and receive feedback.

COMPLETED already this season

BOOK EXPO & PUBLISHING PANEL –Saturday, December 7, 2024
Laura (Riding) Jackson & Gertrude Stein – Thursday, January 16, 2025