For this season, we will be experimenting with a few different formats. Please note carefully below which events require pre-registration and which do not. Some of those that require registration will be free, while others require a fee. All details appear below each event.


Saturday, December 7th, 1:30-3:30pm

Location: Mary D. Snyder Multimedia Room (1st Floor – Lobby, Across from Gift Shop), IRC Main Library, 1600 21st St, Vero Beach

Registration: NOT REQUIRED — this event is open to the public.

This event will feature approximately 20 local authors displaying their books before and after the main event, a panel discussion of local authors who have published their books through different avenues. The panel will run from 2-3pm.

More details to be posted soon.


Thursday, January 16th, 5:00-7:00pm

Location: LRJF Writing Center, 1914 14th Avenue, Vero Beach

Registration: REQUIRED – a link to the registration form will appear here by October 1st

January 16, 2025 would have been Laura (Riding) Jackson’s 124th birthday. To celebrate, we will be reading & discussing Description of Acquaintance: The Letters of Laura Riding and Gertrude Stein.

This event will be formatted like a book club meeting (including refreshments!), with the added benefit of having the book editors join us (via Zoom) for our discussion. Copies of the book are available to purchase at the LRJF Writing Center. Come get your copy soon to ensure you have plenty of time to read it before January 16th!


Saturday, February 22nd, 1:00-5:00pm

Location: LRJF Writing Center, 1914 14th Avenue, Vero Beach

Registration: REQUIRED – a link to the registration form will appear here by November 1st

NOTE: This is a two-part event. You are invited to join us for Part One, Part Two, or both.

During Part One, non-fiction author, blogger, former Navy SEAL, and piracy-expert, Benerson Little, will discuss his decades-long career studying and writing about piracy, both historical and modern.

Part Two of this event will mirror the traditional format of LRJF’s Adult Writing Workshops: participants will learn from Benerson Little how he combines blogging with his work on researching and writing his longer form published non-fiction works. Attendees will be given writing prompts related to both blogging and creative non-fiction, can share their work, and will be given feedback in this segment.

Part One 1:00-2:30pm

Break for Refreshments: 2:30-3:00pm — This half hour is meant to be enjoyed by attendees of both Parts One and Part Two.

Part Two: 3:00-5:00pm

SCREENPLAYS: Adapting your writing for the screen

Saturday, March 22nd, 9:30am-12:30pm

Location: LRJF Writing Center, 1914 14th Avenue, Vero Beach

Registration: REQUIRED – a link to the registration form will appear here by November 1st

Led by Xaque Gruber, participants will learn the fundamentals of screenwriting, with a particular focus on adapting your already-completed stories, essays, memoirs, etc. for the screen. This workshop is interactive and participants will write, share, and receive feeback.