12 events found.
IRSC School Choice Event featuring LRJ booth
Richardson Center at IRSCStanding Out: Writing the College Essay Part 2
VBHS Media CenterPoets Corner
Writing Center 1914 14th Avenue, Vero Beach, FL, United StatesAn educational approach on poetry! Bring your own work and prepare for a valuable lesson.
TWW “Voice, Character, & Plot: How to Write a Compulsive Marketable YA Novel” hosted by Victoria Wlosok
Writing Center 1914 14th Avenue, Vero Beach, FL, United StatesOpen to Teens, free of charge. Register here
VB Academy at the house and polebarn
Pole Barn 6155 College Lane, Vero Beach, FL, United States9AM-12PM homeschool students at the house and polebarn
VB Academy at the house and polebarn
VB Academy homeschoolers at the house and polebarn 9AM-12PM
Pole Barn Poets and Porch Poets collaborative meeting
Writing Center at 1914 14th Avenue 1914 14th Avenue, Vero Beach, FL, United StatesVB Academy at the house and polebarn
VB Academy homeschoolers at the house and polebarn 9AM-12PM
Poetry Workshop with Lisa Zimmerman, Writer-in-Residence
Writing Center 1914 14th Avenue, Vero Beach, FL, United StatesRegister here!
Lisa Zimmerman Teen Workshop
Writing Center at 1914 14th Avenue 1914 14th Avenue, Vero Beach, FL, United StatesHurricane Nicole forced us to cancel some in-school programs Lisa was scheduled to do so we will instead be doing a teen program at the …
Historic Home Open for Tours
Historic Home 6155 College Lane, Vero Beach, FL, United StatesA docent will be on duty from 1:00-5:00pm the second Sunday of every month from November 2022 through May 2023. There is no need to …