What does LRJF mean to you?
Here are two of the responses that beautifully demonstrate the deep meaning the LRJF community has in the lives of our neighbors here in Indian River County.

My wife and I moved to Vero Beach to be near our daughter. Our son had just died. The move and his death left me with some very large gaps. I discovered the Laura Riding Jackson Foundation while coming to breakfast at the restaurant next door. When we left South Dakota, I left behind not only my son but my role as Master Gardener and Poetry group member.
The discovery of LRJF, its historic home, garden and writing groups helped fill the gaps from what we left behind with the move. The inclusion in this wonderful group and given the opportunity to work in the garden has made my transition here easier and has provided a positive grieving process for me. The Garden Committee and the Poets Corner writing group were life savers for me.
Craig Pahl

You know the feeling you get when your much loved friend says, Are you interested in volunteering with me? It’s for a good cause and I promise it is not a lifelong commitment.
Well in fact, it is a lifelong commitment. For me, it is a measure of what I value and it starts and ends with relationships.
The love affair I have with the Laura Riding Jackson Foundation has been a relationship that has changed and grown over time–a long time.
If you are not already connected, there is a place for you to share in a sense of community at LRJ. Whether you are an aspiring or accomplished writer, appreciate the preservation of historic architecture, or wish to see young people develop a belief in the promise of language,now is the perfect time to introduce yourself to LRJ.
Laura Kelley
We are a community that sustains each other. We also come together to show the next generation the value of being able to express oneself through writing and the importance of preserving cherished spaces. Our programs for children and teens, in particular, depend on your support.

We’re grateful to Craig and Laura and for all of you who give of your time and resources to ensure we can continue to offer writing programs for all ages, preserve the historic house for future generations, and maintain the garden as a peaceful place for quiet reflection. Please continue to support us this Giving Tuesday, if you can, with a financial gift.